by The Nephrotic Syndrome Foundation

Kathy Grobelny
Nephrotic Syndrome is a serious and rare auto-immune disease that attacks the kidneys causing them to shut down. There is no known cause or cure. Treatments are extremely limited and consist primarily of steroids, cancer, and transplant medications. Many patients are children who spend a major part of their life in and out of the hospital, trying to find a treatment that keeps them in remission while managing the side effects.
Lukasz was diagnosed over 6 years ago. He is a true warrior. Jakub has been there every step of the way with me fighting with his big brother.
This year has had more bumps for Lukasz, but he has always taken each one with tears and then comes out enduring each day with a smile.
The Nephrotic Syndrome Foundation came through for Lukasz in one of his darkest moments this year when they sent his Backpack of Hope. It spread a big smile over his face and put that hope back (they also gave Jakub a small gift).
I hope you will join us this month and make a splash! Take a picture of your best cannon ball, bellyflop or dive and tag @nephroticsyndromefoundation and Post it to your feed or story and help spread awareness and funds for this awful disease!
Donations are optional $1 for every cannonball and $5 for every dive or any amount to the Foundation's efforts to support those diagnosed, and their families!
Have a blast and make a splash!

The Nephrotic Syndrome Foundation is a non-profit organization supporting those diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome, their families and the search for a cure.
Visit us at